Thursday, February 13, 2014

Editorial Review of Michelle Malkin Blog

My review this week is on a blog written by Michelle Malkin titled Standing up against wealth-shaming.  In this blog the author is talking about how the War on Wealth has escalated with the current administration and has done nothing more than continue to divide this country.  Her blog was written in response to a mini -manifesto written by Silicon Valley millionaire Tom Perkins that was submitted to the Wall Street Journal.  Both Perkins and Malkin believe that the idea of "income inequality" is absurd and damaging to America.   Because of movements like Occupy the majority of the opinions of Americans are that the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.  I agree with Malkin that yes the rich do keep getting richer, but I say "good for them".  It should not be the job of the government to make sure that we are all equal with our incomes.  That responsibility lies only with the individual.  You get out of life what you pay for. This blog caught my attention because I am by no means a rich woman and I still struggle from time to time;  however, I am fully aware that if I want more out of life then I need to give more.  I do not want anything handed to me that I didn't earn. I believe that Michelle Malkins blog was intended for those who are out there crying about how little they have and instead of looking within themselves for the blame place that blame on the "Haves".  Rappers are writing songs about how to kill a CEO, and  corporate executives are receiving death threats.  Is this what our country that was founded on individual freedoms has come to?  Wake up America and stop crying about what you don't have and go work for what you want.

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