Monday, January 27, 2014

The problems with immigration

Immigration has always been a major topic point for those of us in the bordering states, but now its becoming a topic that all of America is concerned with.  In today's article in USA Today  it was stated that tomorrow during the presidential state of the union address President Obama is set to tell Americans his plan to support increased immigration to 3 million a year.  That's an increase of 2 million a year.  What is the big deal some would ask.  How about the fact that our elected officials who support this are not listening to the people they represent.  Resent polls show that the majority of Americans do not want increased immigration with the highest numbers being those who earn $30000 or less with a margin of 3-1.  Also in a 13 year period from 2000-2013 the number of jobs for U.S. born Americans decreased by 1.3 million.  That's alot of people who are struggling to feed their families and stay afloat.  This article caught my attention because I personally know alot of people who are skilled and talented but unable to find jobs.  The government is talking about increasing the length of unemployment.   Wages have not been raised in years and more and more families are on food stamps than years past.  Why can our officials in Washington not do the right thing and take care of the Americans that are here now?  Help us heal as a country, make it possible for people to get jobs that pay enough to cover the basics needs in life, give us a reason to have faith in the people we vote for.  While I know that this country was founded by immigrates I also know that closing our borders is in the best interest of this country. This is an opportunity for Republicans to take a stand for the public and fight back against the President.  Why not put this proposed policy change up for a vote to the public and take the choice out of our representatives hands? 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

My political view

Hello All!!

My name is Shauna Conner and my political view point has always been and will always be Republican.  Now please allow me to explain.  I was raised in a military, very old fashioned family.  We have always leaned more towards the conservative side. Because in my family if you weren't Republican you were a "hippy".  I believe that you get what you put into life and in my opinion the Democrats are working very hard at shaping America into a "welfare state".  I believe wholeheartedly in protecting our freedoms to make our own choices (One of the reasons why I do not agree nor support the Affordable Care Act). I have always voted Republican because I believe that they have our military and their needs in their best interest.  Having come from a military family and prior Navy myself that matters a great deal to me.  As I've been reading the first three units in our textbook Ive become familiar with quiet a few new words.  Equality of Outcome. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around this one.  While I do believe that there is a purpose for federally funded programs like Medicaid, Food Stamps, etc. I, however; do not believe that those said programs should be used as "crutches" for people who just plain do not want to work for their own. I agree 100% in our freedom of the right to bear arms.  As a Republican I do not see my party trying to restrict those rights.  So while I apologize to anyone reading this that I might have offended, I do not apologize for my beliefs.